‘You all know the list of course documents that are only available online. Stop exhausting your printer, and don’t spend any more time in the copy-center. The NFK-Cudi takes care of the printing and offers you that pile of interesting paper at a discount price! Saving money has never been so easy! With love, your Cudi-queens Tinati and Astrid’
(Tinati Maisuradze, Astrid Van den Eede)

(Epileptic Shagbrain)
‘Next year my task is to keep an eye on the huge amount of money NFK has. I hope you’ll attend a lot of our activities, so can help us building up our treasure. ’
(Brenda Dekker)
‘Push me, and then just touch me, till I can get my satisfaction, satisfaction, satisfaction. Push me, and then just touch me, till I can get my satisfaction, satisfaction, satisfaction. Push me, and then just touch me, till I can get my satisfaction, satisfaction, satisfaction.’
(Yémi Sosanwo, Vincent De Weerdt, Bram De Rynck)
‘We’re NFK’s spies: we will figure out their plans and spread them around!’
(Sam Phillips, Nele Vanmechelen)
‘We educate your education’
(Taylan Susam, Roderik De Turck)
‘Some dualists say that the fysical realm can never influence the mental realm: ignore them, for they don’t exist and we invented them to prove a point. Others say that philosophers can’t be in to sports. Ignore them. Just do it.’
(Marijke Doms, Curtis Lawberg)
‘This is the place where we will tell you to drink beer and you will like it. And drink it.’
(Anne-Marie Thijs, Vincent Nijs)
‘As you know, philosophy and culture are like a married couple. We’ll present them only in good times.’
(Elly Suys, Willeke Martens)
“Caesar discommended us, we’ll do it anyway”
(Elien Joos, Nina Roox, Quinten Evens)