NFKickassactivities 28/10/2019

Tuesday 29/10

13.00 – 16.00 Ceci n’est pas une activité: NFK doesn’t go to Dali & Magritte

The realm of the real has the bitter taste of an orange. Therefore no logic will be tolerated. Stick that modus ponens in your butthole and join us on our trip to the exhibition of Dali & Magritte in Brussels!

-We’ll take the train of 13:05 in Leuven to Brussels Central Station and meet at the train platform.
-From Brussels Central Station it’s a ten minute walk to the Royal Museum of Fine Arts.
-Detailed Information on the admission fee and the exhibition can be found here:

*note: these rather real practicalities are but a ladder to the surreal: one must so to speak throw away the ladder, after he/she has climbed up on it.


21:00 – 00:00 Fakbar

Definitely come to our weekly fakbarevening at the Lounge!


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NFKickassactivities 21/10/2019

Tuesday 22/10

20:00 – 23:00 Runner’s High at 24-Hour-Run: The Sound of Silence

Together with Alfa, Eoos, Babylon, Mecenas, Musicologica, Historia, KLA, Peda and Katechetika we are participating in the 24-Hour-Run, where we organise a Silent Disco. Come party with us and find out what Runner’s High has to offer!

20:30 – 23:30 Zeitgeist: Spirit of our Age meet-up

HIW Room N

At this meeting we’ll discuss our theme, ideas you’d like to write (or draw) about, and our deadline date for contributions.

This issue, we’re looking for any and all submissions that capture the idea of a singular temperament that defines our era in 2019. We do recognize of course, that probably no such singular temperament exists, but we’re open to any ideas, theories, and interpretations of what this X spirit could be.

Essentially, we want to capture the now. Whether you think the now is best represented through pop-culture, politics, philosophy, or something else, we’ll take it. Perhaps, you have an idea on what the Spirit of our Age will be, and not what it currently is, we’d like to hear it. Perhaps, you believe history is circular and the spirit of this age can be found in the pages of Romantic-Era French Literature, we’d like to hear it. Perhaps, you hate emojis and think they’re destroying society at large, we disagree, but we’d still like to hear it.

If you know or even think you may want to help contribute to Zeitgeist, then we hope to see on the meeting! (You can still submit to us even if you cannot attend this meeting–but the meeting should be helpful with streamlining and directing the creative process)

21:00 – 00:00 Fakbar

Definitely come to our weekly fakbarevening at the Lounge!


Wednesday 23/10

20:00 -23:00 International Movie Night: China

HIW Room S 01.14

For the third edition of our International Movie Nights, we’ll be watching the Chinese film ‘Rang Zi Dan Fei’ (Let The Bullets Fly) by director Wen Yiang. After the movie the discussion will be opened with a philosophical reflection on the film by Yinan Luo.


Friday 11/10

12:00 – 14:00 Breadmeal

Definitely come to our weekly breadmeal in the Lounge where you can eat as much as you want for only €1,50 if you do your dishes (Otherwise its €2,50 because you don’t get €1 back)


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