NFKickassactivities 18/11/2019

Tuesday 19/11

12:30 – 14:00 Philosophy and the world out there

HIW Room S 01.14

‘Human races don’t exist, but …’

Human races don’t exist. That is what biologists and anthropologists tell us. But what exactly do they mean when they say that races don’t exist? In any case, not everyone is convinced. Many philosophers and scientists continue to believe that races do exist. In this talk, I will explain that the remaining debate about the reality of race for the most part turns on philosophical issues about the meaning of ‘race’ and of ‘reality’, rather than on disagreement about the biological facts. It is important to understand this, since the arguments that are given for the existence of race are often misunderstood when they make their way to the outside world.

With these series of talks a space is created to reflect on the reciprocal connections between philosophy and the contemporary society and to help foster discussions between students and academic staff across the Institute’s research centres.

The speaker of this second edition of Philosophy and the world out there is Olivier Lemeire.

You can find more information on the website of the Institue:

21:00 – 00:00 Fakbar

Definitely come to our weekly fakbarevening at the Lounge!


Wednesday 20/11

20:00 – 23:00 Games Night

HIW, NFK Lounge

Got them Mid-Sem blues? Can’t really afford to go for a night out? Want to just relax, chill and hangout with some people?

NFK brings you games night with all kinds of board games in the lounge. Make sure to come by and get to know your fellow students better!

PS : There will be some free beers, so be early
You can bring your own booze!

20:00 -23:00 International Movie Night: India

HIW Room S 01.14

Welcome all to the next installment of NFK Movie Nights! This evening we will be watching ‘Haider’ by Vishal Bhardwaj.

After the movie there will be time to discuss the movie. This discussion will start with a philosophical reflection on the movie by Abheer Singh.


Friday 22/11

12:00 – 14:00 Hasta la Pasta, Pesto Digesto

It’s time for a special breadmeal! On the 22nd of November it will be a delicious lunch with Pasta Pesto for only €2.5 and €1.5 if you clean your dishes afterwards!


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Survey electives

Important changes are ahead! Next academic year, the Institute of Philosophy will launch its new bachelor program. One thing is still to be decided upon: the pool of elective courses. Since this is the part of the program where students can freely choose courses that match their interests or are considered as an important addition to their program, it is very important that we get input on what students expect from these electives. Your student representatives would therefore be incredibly glad if many of you fill in our small questionnaire, because the more students do so, the better their voices can be heard during the final decision-making. Moreover, as an extra incentive, we will provide a nice cup of hot chocolate for all those students who have filled in the questionnaire – look out for us in the HIW entrance hall on the 21st of November!

Link to the survey:

More information in this article:…/1hN9Z-MLawtyP1XmY-6ErKxw_l…/view…

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