NFKickassactivities  01/10/18

Welcome to this week’s leaflet with all the activities that we will do this week 🙂

Monday 01/10

We have no activities on this day 🙁

Tuesday 02/10
13:00 Second hand booksale

If you want to pick up some cheap second hand courses be sure to swing by in the main hall of the HIW.

20:00 HIW Buddy program

If you are enrolled in the buddy program it starts at 20:00 in aula C (00.16) for the people who go on the pubcrawl, and for the people who don’t go on the pubcrawl it’s also at 20:00 but in the Raadzaal (01.16).

21:00 Fakbar

We have no special theme this week but don’t be discouraged, the fakbar always is a nice place to come by for a drink or two.

Wednesday 03/10
21:00 Movie Night

First movie night of the year! Just kick back and relax, and come watch a movie in one of the aulas at the instute.

Thursday 04/10

We have no activities on this day 🙁

Friday 05/10
12:00-14:00 Breadmeal

Some tasty bread and coffee for only € 1,5 in the lounge of the HIW 🙂

If you want to sign up for the First Years Weekend you can do this here!