NFKickassactivities 15/10/2018
Welcome, dear readers to this weekly leaflet with all our activities we are planning to do this week.
Monday 15/10
We are not organizing any activities on this day
Tuesday 16/10
10:00-12:00 DeWijzer: a visit to “Herleven Leuven” expo
We are visiting the exposition “Herleven Leuven”. The exposition covers detailed information about Leuven after the first world war on multiple domains such as leisure activities, economy, education and other cultural insights. The event is free with a culture card, otherwise it’s 5€/person if the group is larger than 15 people its only 3€/person.
We meet up at Cera, Munstraat 1
19:45-21:30 First indoor footbal training
We will do some physical training and prepare for the upcoming games. Dont’ forget your sportscard or daycard! @ KBC Sportshall
21:00-… Fakbar Belgium vs. Netherlands
We will watch the foorball game between Belgium and the Netherlands, special attributes such as flags or make-up are certainly welcome. We will also have the first meeting for the theater play on the second floor at 22:00.
Wednesday 17/10
We are not organizing any activities on this day
Thursday 18/10
We do have an activity on this day but its only for dutch people
Friday 19/10
12:00-14:00 Breadmeal
Pay €1,5 and come consume bread and other foodstuff in our lounge at the HIW.
Saturday 20/10
12:30-20:30 Saturday is for BOZAR
We are planning on visiting the most beautiful part of the country, the Bozar: Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels, to visit the exposition of Gustav Klimt. We will meet up at the station in Leuven but the exact hour will be communicated later on facebook.
NFKickassactivities 15/10/2018 Read More »