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Electionweek activities

On MONDAY the 7
th of May, 9pm, we are holding a Movie Night at the HIW, room C.
You can come and enjoy the film Hannah Arendt, for free! Before the film starts, Guido
Niccolò Barbi will give an introduction to the life and work of Hannah Arendt, starting at

On TUESDAY the 8
th of May at 11am, upcoming praeses Rik and the upcoming education
representatives will be giving the vision presentation. During this presentation, we present
our vision and afterwards there will be the possibility to ask questions and delve into
discussion. The location has not been confirmed yet, but most likely it will take place
somewhere at the HIW, more specifically the Kardinaal Mercierzaal. And even then, it’s
not that big in here, so you’ll find us!

The same day but in the afternoon from 4pm to 6pm you can join our sports team and go to
the sportkot to enjoy some running and playing soccer, or just to enjoy the weather! We’re
meeting on the grass field behind the Football field. You can check the Facebook event for the
exact location!

We finish the day with our weekly faculty bar in M-Café. We are organizing a chess
tournament and you can also bring some board games of your own, so we can make it a cozy
night! The doors open at 9pm, the tournament starts at 10.30pm. If you want to participate
you just need to register there.

th of May we are holding a Garden Party in the garden of the
HIW! Starting at noon, you can come and enjoy the sun and atmosphere, we will provide
drinks and you can participate in the game ‘musical chairs’, where if you win, you get a
smartwatch, so make sure to join!

That evening we will debate in the Kardinaal Mercierzaal about the tension between
religion and politics. We start at 9pm, and there will be free drinks!

On THURSDAY the 10th of May, we will do what hasn’t been long with NFK for a (too
long) time: a cantus! With Rik and Michiel S leading us, we will sing Celtic songs during this
Celtic Cantus! It takes place in Café Ambiorix (where else?!), the doors open at 8pm, Io
Vivat: 8.30pm.

On FRIDAY the 11th of May we have our usual breadmeal in the lounge of the HIW from
12 to 2pm, this time also with pancakes, and all that only for one and a half euros, holy
Don’t forget to vote for us! https://nfk.stemt/org/
Election Team Eudaimonia

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