Philosophy Choir

We are delighted to invite you all to NFK’s annual Christmas dinner! As it’s tradition, we’ll celebrate this wonderful holiday in the spirit of communion: every student, professor, alumnus/-a and other associate of the faculty is invited to join us on this grand day.
As always, the dinner will be preceded by a vigil, which is held at the chapel of Leo XIII. It wil start at 16:30 and last for about half an hour.
At 18:00, there will be a (free) reception followed by the dinner itself which starts at 18:30 at Zaal Floreal, Mechelsesteenweg 358, 3020 Herent. This location is easily reached by bus or by train, but be aware that the last bus to Leuven leaves at 11:22 PM and the last train at 00:11 AM!
Since we want everyone to be able to join, a vegan option is always available.
Tickets for the dinner are available at the cudi (so NOT at the library!), at the fakbar and by online registration: Don’t wait too long to buy tickets, because the Christmas party is sold out every year. The price of the tickets is €12 for students and €15 for professors.
See you soon! And merry Christmas!
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