Welcome back again dear readers to this week’s leaflet for the eleventh week of the semester. Tip of the week: There’s the NFK theater play, but it is in dutch, if you like looking at people talking in a weird language and doing stuff be sure to swing by one of these days.
Monday 06/05
21:00-23:00 NFK Presenteert: Dorp?
Tuesday 07/05
16:00-18:00 General Students Meeting
General Students’ Meeting on Inclusivity, Social Cohesion, and Well-Being (with free coffee and cake!) The community Committee kindly invites all BA, MA and ReMa students from the Dutch-speeking and the international programm to share ideas, questions and worries related to the sociale and psychological aspects of studying philosophy at the Institute. We also intend this meeting as a platform to informally connect with students from other programs and, possibly, start initiatives that create new bonds: this is where the (free) coffee, tea and cake come in…
+ There might be a pubcrawl starting in the lounge again as a replacement for the fakbar. More info following on facebook.
Wednesday 08/05
21:00-23:00 NFK Presenteert: Dorp?
Thursday 09/05
21:00-23:00 NFK Presenteert: Dorp?
Friday 10/05
12:00-14:00 Breadmeal
Come consume some bread and cheese and other food stuff in the lounge of the HIW for only €1,5.