NFKickass-Activities 14-05-2018

Hahahahahahahaha. Greetings, dear readers! Welcome yet again to this week’s NFKickassactivities! My apologies if my laughing were to lower the quality of this medium. I have just heard a very funny joke. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I still cannot resist the urge to laugh when thinking back about it. Hahahahaha. Such a humorous situation!

Before we start off the overview of the week, I’d like to share a public service announcement: hahahahahahahahahaha. Oops,sorry. I am apparently not capable of keeping a straight face. Please give me a second, then I will try to resume. Hahaha. Good, before we start off the overview of the week, I’d like to share a public service announcement: those of you who are still in need of a course or reader from the Course Service can still come get it in the lounge from 8 until 10pm upcoming Thursday, and on Monday and Thursday next week. The Course Service will be closed during the study period and the finals, so be ‘quick’!

If you read the last paragraph carefully, you might have noticed that hahahahahahahaha. Oh man, this is terribly unprofessional. Yet I am trying so hard to contain my laughter. My sincerest apologies, dear reader. As I was saying: you might have noticed that the Course Service will be closed this Monday. That is of course because on Monday the NFK-theater “The picture of Dorian Gray” will go in premiere. Unfortunately the theater will be in Dutch, but those of you who still want to witness this collective input of blood, sweat, tears and other things from driven and artistic philosophers be actualised for the first time in front of an audience, can come to the Zwartezusterkapel, Zwartezusterstraat 2 on 8pm. If you don’t have hahahahahahahahahaha. Jingledoodles! It happened to me again! Such troubles! I will give it a second try. If you haven’t managed to lay your hands on a ticket yet, you can still send an email to With a little bit of good luck and a friendly virtual smile our culture people will gladly try to get you in. A ticket costs 4 euro for the enlightened people who possess a culture card and 5 euro for tasteless barbarians who don’t.  Furthermore there will be an open editorial meeting for this year’s last edition of De Wijzer on Monday.  If you have ideas, proposals, lifehacks or funny jokes (please not too funny, or things might get problematic. Oh, no. Now by thinking of it I feel another laughing fit coming. Hahahahahahaha.) , please come share them at 1pm in room N of the HIW.

Of course there still needs to be space for some cheap entertainment for the simpler minds among us between all this artistic intellectual tomfoolery. Therefore there will be fakbar on Tuesday . Like every other Tuesday it will start at 9pm at the M-café. All rush there, before the academic year (as we know it?) comes to an end. Quick!

Wed-hahahahahaha. My apologies, I slipped up again. Hahahaha. Golly, NFKickassactivitiesman, get a grip! Good, following this stern admonition I will try to complete this NFKickassactivities with  the appropriate decorum. Wednesday the second performance of the NFK-theater will take place.  This will once again take place from 8pm on in the Zwartezusterkapel. Reportedly, the tickets for Wednesday are all sold out. Sad! Hahahahaha. Oh no, what have I done now?! Such expression of laughter following such tragic coverage! What of a monster have I become?!

Hihi. To limit the disturbances coming as a direct result of my unmannered jubilations to a minimum, I will try muffle my laughter to giggling. Hihihihi. While not optimal, I hope it is an acceptable way of dealing with the reality that forces itself upon us. Hihihi. Thursday we have not planned anything. After two weeks bursting with activities, I think we can all use a break. Hihihihihi. Hopefully some space in our agenda will result in some inner peace. Hihihihihihihihihihihihihi. Hihihihihihihihi.

Friday there will of course be – hihihihihi – breadmeal in the – hihihi – lounge from 12pm until 2pm. Hihi. You can come eat all the bread you can manage for the democratic price of 1,5 euro. Hihihi. Friday evening the last performance of the NFK-theater will take place. Once again it will start at 8pm at the Zwartezusterkapel. If you could not join on Monday or Wednesday, send an email to fast as the wind! Quick! Before it’s to late!

So, that was NFKickassactivities for this week. Oh no, I cannot contain myself anymore. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I am starting to – HAHAHAHAHOHOHAHA – roar with laughter. HOHOHAHAHOHO! Alas, there is – HAHAHOHOHAA – not enough laughter in today’s world. HAHAHA THIS IS WHAT’S WRONG WITH SOCIETY HOHOHAHA! Hopefully until – HAHAHAHAH- next week! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…