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NFKickassactivities 05/11/18

Welcome dear readers to this week’s leaflet from NFK with all our activities for the coming week. This week’s theme got whispered to me during a nightly walk, by a cat and it is: cheese!

Monday 05/11

We will organise no activities on this day 🙁

Tuesday 06/11

20:00-22:00 Basketball Training
Come play some basketball with us @KBC Sportshall

Fun fact: The word cheese comes from Latin caseus

21:00- …. Fakbar
The ideal place to consume some alcohol and to hang out and socialize with people.

Fun fact: Cheese was discovered 6,000 years ago when nomads transported milk in pig and cow stomachs.

Wednesday 07/11

16:00-17:00 Open Education Meeting
If you want to participate in the education policy at the hiw be sure to not skip this meeting @HIW, room S

Fun fact: Ten liter’s of milk produces 1kg of cheese.

19:00-22:00 Disco Swimming
Always wanted to go swimming with cool lights and music? If yes then we meet at 9pm @Sportoase

Fun fact: Chymosine, an enzyme necessary for the preparation of cheese, is made in the abomasum of a calf that uses it to be able to digest breast milk.

Thursday 08/11

21:30-00:30 Movienight ‘Battle of Algiers’
Come watch a cool movie with us in one of the cozy aula’s at the HIW.

Fun fact: Willem Elsschot wrote the novel “Kaas”, about a cheese hater that started a cheese store. It is a book with many cheese neologisms.

Friday 09/11

12:00-14:00 Breadmeal
Come consume some bread and cheese and other food stuff in the lounge of the HIW for only €1,5.

Fun fact: being Chees/Cheesy is in Dutch street language another word for being under influence of drugs.

NFKickassactivities 05/11/18 Read More »

NFKickassactivities 29/10/18

Welcome dear readers to this week’s leaflet from NFK with all our activities for the coming week. As requested by my boss this leaflet will from now on contain a theme every week. The first theme got whispered to me by the archangel Michael in a dark, gritty underground bar, which is: Cooler box

Monday 29/10

20:00-22:00 Basketball Training
Come play some basketball with us @KBC Sportshall, we will work on our condition and learn you some of the basic basketball skills. Also a great opportunity to bring your cooler box to keep your beverages cool and fresh.

Tuesday 30/10

 21:00- …. Halloween Fakbar
The same Fakbar as always but Halloween themed, you are free to dress yourself up as crazy as you want. Unfortunatly we do not allow cooler boxes in our Fakbar cause you aren’t allowed to bring your own drinks.

These are all the events for this week. To finish this leaflet I will give you a fun fact about cooler boxes: The more expensive cooler boxes are manufactured bij rotational casting of certain plastics and can keep ice cooled for up to a week.

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