NFKickassactivities 17/12/18
Welcome dear readers to this week’s leaflet from NFK, the last one of the semester
I wish you all good luck with your exams
Monday 17/12
20:00-23:00 Movie Night: Locke
Tom Hardy (villain Bane from The Dark Knight Rises) plays Ivan Locke, a straightforward builder and family man who gets himself in trouble during a nocturnal car ride. Accidents, crimes or other calibrated thriller elements play no part in this; Locke is an ordinary man with ordinary problems, which he has to solve by telephone. Although we never leave the car (other characters can only be heard), the film is never boring, thanks to an intelligent script, great camera work and a top performance by Hardy. @ Room A
Tuesday 18/12
22:30- …. Last, Last Fakbar
The ideal place to consume some alcohol and to hang out and socialize with people for the last time this semester.
Wednesday 19/12
16:00-18:00 Open Education meeting
If you want to talk about the educational policies at the HIW be sure to come take a look @ Room S
Thursday 20/12
21:00- …. Pre-Blok Pub Crawl
Hi sweet philosophers, before we lock ourselves in dark rooms behind our books, we should go on the last NFK pubcrawl of the semester together! We meet up at the institute at 9. We’re probably going to Universum, Libertad, Belge and Blauwe Kater (but suggestions are always welcome ofcourse).
Friday 21/12
12:00-14:00 Breadmeal
Come consume some bread and cheese and other food stuff in the lounge of the HIW for only €1,5.
NFKickassactivities 17/12/18 Read More »