Kringverkiezing voor 2020-2021
Students who were allowed to vote: 480
Students who actually voted: 78
Wens je Liesa Vosch (preses), Ian Feyaerts (vicepreses), Marie Moens & Emma Van Molle (schatbewaarders) te verkiezen voor het academiejaar 2020-2021? – (Do you wish to elect Liesa Vosch (preses), Ian Feyaerts (vicepreses), Marie Moens & Emma Van Molle (treasurers) for the academic year 2020-2021?)
Ja (Yes): 69 (88.46%)
Nee (No): 2 (2.56%)
Onthouding (Abstention) : 7 (8.97%)
Wens je volgende personen te verkiezen als functiecoördinator voor de respectievelijke functie?
(Do you wish to elect the following people as function-coordinator for the respective function?)
Seven Sabrieva: Coördinator Broodmaaltijd (Breadmeal)
Ja (Yes): 65 (83.33%)
Nee (No): 3 (3.85%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 10 (12.82%)
Robin Decock: Coördinator Cursusdienst/CuDi (Course Services)
Ja (Yes): 68 (87.18%)
Nee (No): 3 (3.85%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 7 (8.97%)
Tycho Scholten: Coördinator Cultuur (Culture)
Ja (Yes): 70 (89.74%)
Nee (No): 2 (2.56%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 6 (7.69%)
Glen Janssens: Coördinator Fakbar (Faculty Bar)
Ja (Yes): 67 (85.9%)
Nee (No): 2 (2.56%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 9 (11.54%)
Edna Schepens: Coördinator Feest (Party)
Ja (Yes): 67 (85.9%)
Nee (No): 3 (3.85%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 8 (10.26%)
Nina Le Compte: Coördinator PR
Ja (Yes): 68 (87.18%)
Nee (No): 2 (2.56%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 8 (10.26%)
Alex Hunter: Coördinator Sociaal (Social)
Ja (Yes): 69 (88.46%)
Nee (No): 1 (1.28%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 8 (10.26%)
Ewout Decloedt: Coördinator Sport (Sports)
Ja (Yes): 66 (84.62%)
Nee (No): 4 (5.13%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 8 (10.26%)
Wens je volgende personen te verkiezen voor de respectievelijke functie?
(Do you wish to elect the following people for the respective function?)
Marit Nubé: Cursusdienst/CuDi (Course Services)
Ja (Yes): 67 (85.9%)
Nee (No): 3 (3.85%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 8 (10.26%)
Marit Nubé: Broodmaaltijd (Breadmeal)
Ja (Yes): 66 (84.62%)
Nee (No): 3 (3.85%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 9 (11.54%)
Thomas Hymers, Filip Wijnings & Kiran Vanslambrouck: Cultuur (Culture)
Ja (Yes): 65 (83.33%)
Nee (No): 4 (5.13%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 9 (11.54%)
David Breugelmans, Dennis Janssen, Karlien Rawoens & Hannah Wellens: Feest (Party)
Ja (Yes): 67 (85.9%)
Nee (No): 3 (3.85%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 8 (10.26%)
Radu Damian Nedescu & Karlien Rawoens: Sociaal (Social)
Ja (Yes): 70 (89.74%)
Nee (No): 1 (1.28%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 7 (8.97%)
David Breugelmans: PR
Ja (Yes): 67 (85.9%)
Nee (No): 3 (3.85%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 8 (10.26%)
Thomas Hymers & Filip Wijnings: Sport (Sports)
Ja (Yes): 66 (84.62%)
Nee (No): 3 (3.85%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 9 (11.54%)
Sapfo Spyridakos & Mehmet Tüfek: Zeitgeist
Ja (Yes): 70 (89.74%)
Nee (No): 2 (2.56%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 6 (7.69%)
Marie Eglem & Luca Palermo: Vrijwilligers (Volunteers)
Ja (Yes): 64 (82.05%)
Nee (No): 4 (5.13%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 10 (12.82%)
Radu Damian Nedescu, Emma Malfait, Marte Polspoel & Sapfo Spyridakos: Onderwijs (Education)
Ja (Yes): 70 (89.74%)
Nee (No): 5 (6.41%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 3 (3.85%)
Wens je volgende personen te verkiezen als studentenvertegenwoordiger in het respectievelijke bestuursorgaan? (Do you wish to elect the following people in the mentioned board or council?)
Liesa Vosch: Faculteitsbestuur (Faculty Board)
Ja (Yes): 68 (87.18%)
Nee (No): 2 (2.56%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 8 (10.26%)
Liesa Vosch: Faculteitsraad (Faculty Council)
Ja (Yes): 68 (87.18%)
Nee (No): 2 (2.56%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 8 (10.26%)
Joëlle Doek: Faculteitsraad (Faculty Council)
Ja (Yes): 70 (89.74%)
Nee (No): 2 (2.56%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 6 (7.69%)
Liesa Vosch: POC Wijsbegeerte
Ja (Yes): 69 (88.46%)
Nee (No): 4 (5.13%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 5 (6.41%)
Joëlle Doek: POC Wijsbegeerte
Ja (Yes): 70 (89.74%)
Nee (No): 3 (3.85%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 5 (6.41%)
Emma Malfait: POC Wijsbegeerte
Ja (Yes): 69 (88.46%)
Nee (No): 3 (3.85%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 6 (7.69%)
Marte Polspoel: POC Wijsbegeerte
Ja (Yes): 66 (84.62%)
Nee (No): 5 (6.41%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 7 (8.97%)
Radu-Damian Nedescu: POC Philosophy
Ja (Yes): 70 (89.74%)
Nee (No): 6 (7.69%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 2 (2.56%)
Sapfo Spyridakos: POC Philosophy
Ja (Yes): 68 (87.18%)
Nee (No): 5 (6.41%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 5 (6.41%)
Elise Weterings: Faculteitsraad (Faculty Council)
Ja (Yes): 71 (91.03%)
Nee (No): 1 (1.28%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 6 (7.69%)
Marte Polspoel: Faculteitsraad (Faculty Council)
Ja (Yes): 65 (83.33%)
Nee (No): 4 (5.13%)
Onthouding (Abstention): 9 (11.54%)