Education coffee corner

This event combines the two most important needs of the average philosophy
student: the need to ventilate their opinions and the need for caffeine (or other hot
drinks)! The concept is pretty easy, you give us your opinions, complaints or
suggestions concerning education and you will be rewarded with delicious coffee,
tea, hot chocolate and even cookies! So don’t hesitate and come Tuesday 1/03 or
Wednesday 2/03 march between 2 and 5 pm to the entrance hall of the HIW for this
amazing event!
For the people who like bullet points:
-What? FREE beverages in exchange for your opinion about education
-When? 1 st and 2 nd of March from 2 till 5 pm
-Where? The entrance hall of the HIW
-Who? The amazing education team
-Why? Because your opinions matter to us (and to distract you for a while from your
existential crisis)